Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Science Fair

 Te Ngahere has recently been doing a science fair. My project was about tape and which one was the strongest out of masking tape, insulation tape, sellotape and duct tape. out of all them insulation tape was the strongest. I learned about what a hypothesis is and what variables are and also what tape is strongest. What I found difficult was when the teacher was checking my slides and she would always make it orange and make me change something when I thought it was already done. Next time if I made a science fair project I would follow the science fair infographic steps and the booklet to be more successful. I got stuck in the pit a few times doing this so I used hoe of Kaha and got out of the pit.

Have you ever done a science fair project? 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Shrinking Paper

First day of term 3 In the morning Te Ngahere did a taskmaster. My team was Tane, Mark and Cahlay. This taskmaster was a newspaper one, what happened was there were teams of 4 and we would start of on 2 sheets of newspaper the 4 people would have to stand on the sheets of newspaper for 5 seconds and after you do that you fold the newspaper. We did it because it was the first day back so we didn't have to get straight into other work. What I think we did well was the strategies we were thinking of. What I think I could improve on more teamwork. 

Have you ever done taskmaster?